
cupcakes and popsicles

after a week of fevers and hacking coughs
we made plans to go to a cupcake shop and run around in the warm sunshine today
instead we woke up to gray skies and chilly temps (not sure what forecast I was reading)
and a baby shaky with fever

so, we made our own cupcakes

one knife lick for every bit put on the cupcake

they had their hearts set on "cookies and cream" cupcakes
and made their own version

we're all losing our mind a little around here


meanwhile Luca is as sweet as can be
I think he likes that I'm hovering over him--
giving him popsicles every time he asks


dear amy d...

let not your heart be troubled...nothing a little soap and water couldn't get out

love, amy f


happy, happy day

how amazing warm air feels after months of biting wind
Luca played for hours in the muck and mud
he also practiced his letter sounds
cause it's a little obsession he has going on

what does a "v" say, mama?  what does a "v" say, Luca?  says..."VVVVV"

what does an "s" say, mama?  what does an "s" say Luca?  says..."SSSSS"

and my personal favorite--
what does an "o" say, mama?  what does an "o" say, Luca?  says..."ahhhAHHHHH"
and so my day goes. precious boy.
his brothers have been laid up with fevers today
so there was a bit more *just the two of us* than usual


the little things

 a valentine made in secret
by little hands

and a shirt tucked into boxers
that made my night


mr. mischief

dear mr. mischief,

all in yesterday's mischief you managed to do the following...

throw a fit at Home Depot--my no fail lollipop trick failed--
you threw it, and it broke into more pieces than I thought possible
they must have really wanted us out of there
cause they came running to check us out--in the self checkout line

we were not home long before I heard the dreaded sound
GUUSSHHH--a big basket of legos being dumped on the floor--thousands of pieces
and then the sound of you kicking and throwing them to every corner of the room

you managed to empty every drawer of my sideboard

at some point I noticed red appearing in various places,
and then saw what looked like dried blood all over your hands
I washed them, but couldn't find a cut

it wasn't until daddy came home that shattered glass was found all over our bedroom floor
-you smashed a bunch of my glass votives-

my favorite make-up brush became your paint brush--and toilet water your paint

and just when I thought you were quietly reading books in your brothers room (silly, silly mama)
I found many rolls of toilet paper unraveled in the hallway

which is exactly why today was movie marathon day
yes, you and your brothers got to watch Toy Story 1, 2, and 3--all in a row

but, as I tell you every day--
I love you to little bits and pieces
every time I think I might just lose my mind
 you come running up to me
"oh hi mamas" and let me kiss, kiss, kiss your sweet face
I love you just the way you are, mr. mischief 





to give this guy more constructive "draw" time
he left his mark twice in a week on homes we visited
as in he found markers (he has x-ray vision for them)
and colored on walls, chairs, coffee tables, end tables...and who knows what else?

he gives himself away
when rounds the corner saying..
"...oooh nooo, oh my gosh, oh my goodness, Luuccaa..."

our hosts were so gracious
but I won't be surprised to get "adults only" invitations for awhile :)
good thing he's so endearingly cute