

I stumbled across a dead shark on a remote section of the beach one afternoon
Xan couldn't ask enough questions about it
at his insistence, we set off bright and early the next morning to find it
he was undeterred by the long walk ahead, or by the fact that it might have been washed away by the tide
we practically ran down the beach on our adventure
he asked question after question--had I seen it on the very wet sand, the little bit wet sand, or the dry sand...what did it's eyes look like, did it have teeth...and on and on
I prayed and prayed that his enthusiasm would be rewarded

just when I was beginning to wonder if we'd find it, I saw a promising blob in the distance
our shark
too late to say "don't touch it", he was all over that shark
he LOVED it, and I LOVED watching his joy
he's my little explorer


  1. That is crazy!!!! What a cool experience for him to have - although a little gross. =)
    And I LOVE that header picture, Xan looks so much like your brother John, it's scary!

    Love you!

  2. Wow! That is scary!! Pretty cool though.

  3. xan is brave! and you're brave for letting him touch it!! ;) william and i both would be totally freaking out!

  4. so wild! jeth has made me show this post to him a couple of times. he's very impressed. and i am just even more resolved not to go in the ocean now:)
    xox ali
