

yesterday I lost my patience
I got angry--through gritted teeth I muttered some ridiculous threat
as I marched my Xan to the car
I got in the car, and turned to see my sweet boy in tears
crushed by my unkind words
.honestly, I was heartbroken.
I asked forgiveness and assured him of my love
but am still saddened that I can't take back my words, my tone, my actions

the last few months I've been aware, more than ever
of the way my sin affects others
my heart has been grieved 

but I've also been aware more than ever of my Savior
and His unending and undeserved patience towards me
I couldn't earn it if I tried
and I'm finding freedom in living in His forgiveness
His righteousness for my filth
miraculous GRACE


  1. isn't God's grace amazing!
    love you

  2. love this. we are desperate people with an amazing Savior. so thankful for your example and friendship. love you.

  3. love this post...cate from texas :)
