
mr. messy

goodness me
i am so tired
as in, all the time, regardless of how much sleep i get
i'm sure my family is tired of me being so tired
but they've been troopers about it

luca has been in rare form these days
lots of screaming, and saying "no"...for no reason, or any reason
and his new habit, which is quite exhausting
is to create what i call "scenes" for his trains
as in, he uses toothpaste or shampoo or hair gel or chocolate milk
to submerge his trains, and then to rescue them
no matter how many doors i lock, he finds a way to get stuff
i believe in one week he emptied 2 bottles of shampoo, a bottle of hair gel, 2 tubes of toothpaste,
a bottle of hand sanitizer, 2 containers of diaper cream...
needless to say, my carpets have had a rough few weeks
if i can overlook the mess, i have to say it is pretty precious
to watch him in his creative play

i'll leave you with a picture of mr. messy
he currently has an adorable phrase...
"i'm so smiled"
and this is what he flashes


  1. oh, amy, that little face! you can tell he is a "busy" charmer. :) praying for you, friend.

  2. Oh my. What a ham! But a super cute one:) And my, boys are so different than girls. Honestly, Tatum just doesn't do those sorts of messy things , except for drawing on herself. Maybe your newest little doll will be more girly...but maybe less emotion?:) love you

  3. Seems like forever since I've sat down and looked at your and Jonalee's blogs. I will have to be a better nona. I guess if Lucs just says I'm so smiled and gives that look, it just might get him out of many a conflict -- with mothers and aunts and future wife etc. Doubt it will work with the guys!
