

out little fireball turned 3!
and yes, he still has a "papi"

he celebrated with his "little cousins" 
as he calls them

it's an easy party with so many cousins living near-by
we are blessed

our 3 year old boy (or baby as you sometimes still want to be)
you are one of kind--with a fire in your belly that won't quit
and a sweetness that still finds it's way through 

you are a puzzle pro
letters and sounds, and simple spelling is your faviorite thing to do
besides playing with Thomas and his many, many friends
and coloring
and digging in the dirt...

we love you so much!


  1. happy birthday handsome boy!
    xoxo the wards

  2. what a sweet boy! Can't get over the hair!!!
    Happy 3rd Birthday LUCA!!!

    {ps, your sidebar needs an update Amy :) }

  3. Thanks for the poke, Anne! :) Mark has been telling me... ;)
