
stream of consciousness

Hubs is in a different time zone this week.  
Not much real conversation going on around here...
We did talk this morning.  
It ended with me hanging up (on him).  
Will I ever outgrow my childish ways? Hmm.

I'm on my 4th outfit of the day, all legit, 
not a result of a "I don't have anything to wear" rampage.  
I do believe I have outgrown that.  Thankfully.  
Luca is still in his pj's from this morning, so that cancels out one of mine.  
Speaking of clothes, 
I ended up with EIGHTEEN unmatched socks after today's laundry was done.  

Ugh. Boys. Urine. 
I am seriously contemplating copying my friend 
(mom of 4 now grown boys), 
and enforcing a "sit to pee" rule.  
Seems emasculating? 
After cleaning yellow off of hard to reach places today, 
I think they can deal.  
And while we're on the topic, 
When will my little guy will outgrow the need to have a BM 5x a day? 
I mean it's a good day if he only has 2.  
We had a little chat last night while I changed #5.
I asked if he could please curb the urge.  
So far it's worked.  
He's only gone once, although I think I'm smelling something?

I put away some maternity jeans today.  
I let a friend borrow them, 
and a month or so ago as I was putting them in the attic, 
they just looked so cozy that I decided to wear them.  
Very unflattering, but so comfy.  
Comfy = comfortable.  
Not good.  
Proof = the extra lbs that have crept on the past few weeks.  
 To the attic they go!

Only two ornaments broken today.  
Not bad, although if that's our daily average between now and Christmas, 
that will be bad. 

After we dropped off David at school this morning, 
Xan said, "now it's just you, me and Luca."  
Then he said, "remember mom, when it was just you and me? 
Before Luca came out of your belly?  
Dad was at work, David was at school, and it was just you and me."  
I do remember that, my sweet angel.  
Are you sure you want to go to school next year?


  1. am, i loved this :) made me smile and chuckle

  2. I was just thinking about the urine issue today as I cleaned our bathroom...we do enforce the sit down rule so I know that the stuff I was cleaning was coming from a recent visitor...an adult. GROSS! I think it's totally worth the hit to their manhood. Their wives will thank you!!


  3. So funny. As a mom of two little boys under 2- the oldest one about to begin potty-training...this is valuable info. thanks! :O) have a blessed day!

  4. lol! love this post. we don't have the sit-down rule. but i do only allow the boys to use one bathroom...it's in the basement...and they clean it.
    p.s. i still wear maternity jeans from time to time.

  5. amy, thanks for keepin' it real. love and appreciate your humor and honesty.

  6. amy - i love it when moms are real. i can relate to the boy and pee everywhere thing. ugh. shawn won't let me make 'em sit. i have made them clean their own gunk up, but not without having to hear about how the philly subway restrooms are cleaner than their bathroom. i'm pretty sure i sound like the teacher in charlie brown to them.
    i was so saaaad when my youngest went to school. really, really missed him. still do. he's a joy at home.
    keep it comin'! it's encouragement in a humorous form. thanks...Jonalee's friend - Lisa (just in case ya didn't know;))
