
update of sorts

it's Easter monday, and who knew that it's also the busiest day of the year
at the national zoo?  well, now you know 
yes, we went today, with our friends the stocktons
i have no pictures to prove it
it was hot, and crowded, and keeping track of 7 kiddos in that kind of crowd
doesn't exactly lend itself to pictures--
but it was fun to be with our friends, and to be outside
energy burned today was necessary after yesterdays sugar rush

we spent yesterday afternoon/evening with some of my family
our time together started with a thunder storm
thunder storm = xan in hysterics, that plus jack being out of sorts 
and throwing fits, and luca joining, because--why not?
made for a fab start to our gathering
but it was good to be together
no pictures of that either--
my arms were happily full of my sweetest nephew, george

my heart has been all tangled lately
i have dear friends who are suffering, and it's so very hard to watch
i have my own hurts that i've been dealing with
and while comparatively insignificant, i've still had to battle
for faith and hope and joy
 i'm grateful for mercies new each morning, and grace sufficient for each day

on a lighter note, xan has a serious skill for making lemonade
it is so good
it is hysterical to watch him go to town with it
all I do is cut the lemons, and he does the rest
today's version --strawberry lemonade--
never mind that i unknowingly sacrificed 2lbs of strawberries--
it was delicious!!
happy monday :)

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