

these last days where age is measured in months

I'm holding on as tightly as I can

but I can't keep my baby from growing up

I'm slowly learning that being a mother is about letting go. I'm so grateful that the letting go doesn't happen all at once, but in small stages, over time. Lord willing, someday my boys will take their place in the world... ready to do their part to advance God's kingdom. Eager to complete the good works that God has prepared in advance for them to do.

Lord, help me to prepare them for that day. Help me to remember throughout each stage, that they are Yours. A precious gift to steward, not for myself, but for Your glory.

In the meantime, I will cherish.


  1. so sweet Amy! I am right there with you. And he is just a cutie!

  2. I can't get over his cuteness. He's so huggable!

  3. amy, i couldn't agree more! i feel that way all the time when i really sit and look at them. they truly are such gifts God has given us to steward. love the chub!!

  4. love those curls! He might be the curliest yet!I think part of what makes these days so precious is knowing that they are so fleeting. It's a gift to be able to see that and not wish them away.
