
happy, happy day

how amazing warm air feels after months of biting wind
Luca played for hours in the muck and mud
he also practiced his letter sounds
cause it's a little obsession he has going on

what does a "v" say, mama?  what does a "v" say, Luca?  says..."VVVVV"

what does an "s" say, mama?  what does an "s" say Luca?  says..."SSSSS"

and my personal favorite--
what does an "o" say, mama?  what does an "o" say, Luca?  says..."ahhhAHHHHH"
and so my day goes. precious boy.
his brothers have been laid up with fevers today
so there was a bit more *just the two of us* than usual


  1. he really is heart-meltingly adorable <3

  2. amy, i think i'm about to have a heart attack at the state of those jeans!! ;) but i do love their little voices when they start talking. =)

  3. Amy, he is ADORABLE!!!! Makes me want to eat him up:)

  4. if i'm feeling a little blue, i just go to the "o" sound.
