
out of the mouth of boys

the other day xan told me, 
"daddy makes my heart so, so happy--
but you make my heart glimmer in the sun"


i overheard a conversation between a boy (8 or so) and his dad--
"dad, can you believe (so and so) only put in a dollar, and he won $2,000??
$2,000 is alot of money, if i had that much i could buy---
(my mind immediately goes to --a death star lego set--)--and before my thought is complete
he confirms that there is a universal language of 8 year old boys--
he said --"5 death stars"--


the boys ruined a new candle of mine today
i was disappointed
i sent them down to the basement so i could gain some perspective
xan came up a few minutes later...
x:  "mom, are you going to kill us?"
me: "of course not, i would never kill you"
x: (running down the basement stairs) "DAVID, I HAVE GOOD NEWS, MOM ISN'T GOING TO KILL US!!!"
 that one was worth the price of my candle


  1. LOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!
    btw, tell David his flat Stanley has arrived and we have fun planned for the next few days! Tatum has already been kissing and hugging the little guy and dancing with him:) miss you!

  2. ;) love. ( ps, email coming soon)
