
2ish months stats

i finally got emelia in for her two month check-up
weight: 13.1 (80th percentile)
length: forgot to ask :) (50th percentile, whatever that is)
head: ditto length (75th percentile)

she's got some mighty squishy rolls
and is now almost completely in 3-6 months clothes
i'll admit i shed a few tears as i packed up her newborn clothes


she is so lovable and fun right now
and thankfully still a little cuddle bug

i can't wait to watch her little personality come out
so far i'm seeing what may be a little sensitive side
if i forget and do something she doesn't like
(example: kissing her neck a million time in a row, cause how can you not??)
she cries the most pitiful, offended cry

love her to pieces

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